Don’t deny it — we all secretly pretended we had magical powers when we were kids. And if we’re being honest, some supernatural magic could do us some good in our adult lives, too. Look what it did for Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger.
Harry Potter & The Knock Back Jinx
Yes, we’re talking about the trio from the wonderful wizarding world of Harry Potter. We’re all Muggle-born and -bred, but who’s to say we can’t dream? In fact, here are some spells or potions to keep within reach for when the occasion arises.
Oculus Reparo
First off, to make sure you’re reading this clearly, try saying Oculus Reparo. What this charm does is, well, to mend eyeglasses. It’s actually a variation of Reparo, a mending charm used to repair things that are broken. It works on almost all materials, and we’re guessing even that cracked phone screen you have. What it doesn’t work on are magic materials, such as Vanishing Cabinets or magic wands. For the former, you’ll have to use Harmonia Nectre Passus instead or bring it to a dark arts expert.
Unbreakable Charm
For careless and clumsy folks who don’t want to keep saying Reparo, try an unbreakable charm. Like how Hermione Granger used it once to make a jar unbreakable, this charm would come in handy to keep things from breaking or falling apart. This only works on inanimate objects, so if you break yourself, you’ll need a healing spell like Ferula, a bandaging charm that bandages wounds and splints any broken bones.
The opposite of this would be Flipendo, also known as the Knockback Jinx. Setting this jinx knocks the target backward with a large force. It feels like a heavy blow and can leave wizards injured and disoriented. Funnily enough, it originates from the English words “flip” and “end”. Being flipped onto your end doesn’t feel great, but that won’t happen unless the spell is used in jest. Otherwise, it’s mostly used as a defense spell or to push heavy objects away. For even greater force, say Flipendo Maxima.
Effect of The Flipendo Spell
So what kind of spell is Flipendo exactly? The effect of the Knockback Jinx greatly depends on the paint of impact. This can feel like a blow to the chest which knocks back the victim, or it can feel like being knocked over the head with a flat heavy object such as a frying pan, leaving the person a little dizzy and unaware of his/her surroundings.
However the jinx is not only limited to humans, but can also be used on objects which can be broken if fragile… one this is for certain, a loud bang emits when it’s casted upon a person or object.
Is someone speaking too loudly on the phone on the subway? Try the Tongue-Tying Curse Mimblewimble for some instant tongue-tying action. In the wizarding world, it’s often used in duels to prevent the other opponent from saying incantations properly, a little like the Silencing Charm. What it does is that it causes the person’s tongue to curl backward, making it outright impossible for them to utter a word. This curse can be overcome with more advanced magic, but we’re pretty sure the loud guy on the subway won’t have any defenses against that.
Anti-Cheating Spell
Speaking of defenses, if you attended a Defence Against the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts, you’ll learn counter-charms, such as the Anti-Cheating Spell. This one’s really apt for teachers — you can use these spells to prevent students from cheating. You don’t really cast the spell on the person, instead, you provided materials enchanted within. At Hogwarts, they used writing quills and parchment, but it should work fine on regular pen and paper.
Have a green thumb? Commit the spell Herbivicus to memory. What it does is make plants grow really quickly and cause flowers to bloom. For an extra boost, try Herbivicus Duo, the stronger version of the spell. Or if you have rose bushes, try the more specific Rose Growth spell instead. In the wizarding world, these charms help to accelerate the growth of plants needed for potion-making.
Other green things you can conjure include the green sparks with the Verdimillious incantation. Not sure why any Muggle would have a need for it, other than saving on the electricity needed to power the lights, but for wizards, it illuminates and unveils things hidden by Dark Magic and makes for a good source of confusion in duels.
Apart from that, other less-than-useful spells include Glisseo, an incantation that turns steps on a stairway to flatten down into a slide. It actually originates from the French word “glisser”, which means to “slide”. You can also say Epoximise to cause one object to be adhered to another. If it works, you’ll never need a glue stick ever again.
Bewitched Snowballs
A favorite spell for pranks is Bewitched Snowballs, a charm that causes snowballs to throw themselves at a target. It was used to hit Ron Weasley a couple of times so we know it works in the wizarding world, but no one knows what the incantation is exactly. However, what we do know is that you’ll definitely win a snowball fight with this. No competition.
Trival spells aside, there are some spells that can cause serious damage. Expulso, for one, produces huge explosions that can throw people back from several feet away. It’s almost like an automatic rifle, just that pressure is used instead of heat to create the explosion. The kind of explosion itself blasts the target apart and, needless to say, it is a dangerous curse indeed.
Explosion Charm
Similarly, the Explosion Charm also has a similar effect, just that it detonates rather than fires. It blows off windows and bars, perfect for a jailbreak if you ever end up in such a situation. Say Bombarda to activate this one. If you need to blow off entire walls, a stronger spell, Bombarda Maxima might be needed. Otherwise, if you just want to open a door gently, say Aberto instead. It, well, simply opens the door and causes much less damage in the process.
If you’re too lazy to even walk through an open door to get snacks from the kitchen, give the summoning charm Accio a go. It’s Latin for “I summon”, and brings things right to you. It seems like a wizard-favorite — Hermione Granger used it to summon books, Harry Potter used it to summon his broom, and Antonin Dolohov used it to summon a prophecy. It’s rather useful for finding lost items too, as you don’t need to know the location of what you’re summoning. You just need a clear thought of it, and voila, it’s in your hands.
How Potions Could Be Useful In Everyday Life
So there you have it, some spells that could be useful to us in everyday life. From opening doors to repairing things, you could save a lot of time and money if those actually worked. Sadly, all magic is fantasy and the wizarding world is fiction — but then again, that’s what the grown-ups say.
âś… To whom was the Knockback Jinx taught?
This jinx was taught to first years students (defensively and practically) against the dark arts class taught by Professor Quirinus Quirrell.
âś… Is the Flipendo spell deadly?
Although effective it is not a deadly spell. The emits a loud bang when applied and is enough to knock the victim backwards onto the floor. If the spell is applied near the head area, it is said to feel like being hit on the head with a frying pan
âś… Can Flipendo only be used for duelling?
Although the spell is primarily used for duelling, it is not limited to only this. It can also be used for moving heavy objects or even breaking fragile objects during a duel as a defence mechanism.
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